Showing posts with label suka suka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suka suka. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

After college life

Live your life to the fullest while you're in your 20s..and that's what we do..eer..sort of

Location: Lokananta resto, Bureau Gastro Pub ,De Hooi
Mood   : ecstatically fun!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

my review on the strokes 'Angles' Album

I wrote this for my magz, unfortunately the space wasn't enough so it didn't get published. I post it here so that it won't be just a piece of crap. At least people can read it (if they want to) so, here it is..

Friday, April 8, 2011


Blow out the candle and make a wish

Happy Birthday : )

Slice the cake    
Thank you guys :D

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Office..

I just recently moved to the new office.Located in Kemang, the place is smaller yet colder..cause it has 
 like six ACs for this one tiny office. Take a peek inside my nu workplace...

Unpacked the stuff   
The First day       

Design Table       

Table for Everyone
Room for the bos   

my new office..
my new station
my new table      

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hello people!! Before I start blabbing bout my present news, I'll start this post with wishing you Merry Christmas and Happy Nu Year 2011. Long holidays is the most awaited event many corporation slaves have yearned.and that's what I've been waiting also, waking up with sun is above ur head, doing nothing but constantly watching overrated yet amazingly entertaining reality shows and hangin out with good ol' buddies...Oo..holidays I wish u'd never end..

Snap!! Go back to reality. Like the title of this post, I'm gonna give u the updates of what have been happening with me in the past..three weeks or so:

1. Two weeks ago, I just got back from my hometown after approximately 5years gone 'cause i was workin my ass off finishing my study.

workin woman in 1920s

2.  I got hired in a magz. (Yaaay!)
3. I got sick after 2 weeks of workin (apparently, deadline can kill you..)
4. Yesterday I got the chance to hangout with my highskool buddies and celebrated xmas (YaaY!!)
Christmas home

5. I have a secret crush.. ; )
6. So far everything is just soo great, I feel so blessed with it.
7. Still Counting down 2011 to come
The list can go longer but I decide to keep it brief, so many things I want to write but I think it's better to write it after 2010 has passed, I don't know why but the euphoria of nu year,nu you really gets under my skin so..wait for more stories in 2011, 'cause it's nu year, nu stories..

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Today I win the next day I lose
About two weeks ago, I joined the contest held by [v] channel to win a concert ticket of Delphic and/ two door cinema club. And guess what?? I won!! Yippie.. I got an email from the channel [V] guy that said I had to reply the email with my contact details in order for him to be able  to send the ticket. I was totally psych and happy for sure yet couldn't believe the fact that I can watch my favourite band live!! Anyway, I replied the email and the next day he replied me back, if I'm not mistaken the guy's name was Mark something? and he told me that I couldn't get the ticket because the contest actually only for people in Singapore region..*sigh (I'm from Indonesia if you don't know) But he was kind enough to send me the reply and cheered me up by telling me that I could try another contests that is made in my region..yeah right..and that's my story, one day I win the next day I loose : (
Btw I give you link on Delphic band, for those who never heard about them. You better check it out and you'll understand why the band is worth listen to..cheers people : )

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This is my ride- Feeder busway

Feeder busway kalo di bahasa indonesiakan berarti pengumpan busway. Mestinya sih pengumpan Trans Jakarta ,cuma penduduk di Indonesia udah terbiasa bilang "busway" instead of "TransJakarta". Di Jakarta sendiri, banyak banget yg namanya feeder busway. Biasanya, bis2 ini disediakan oleh perumahan suburb yg memiliki luas seperti satu kota kecil dimana penduduknya bekerja di pusat kota. So, if they tired of driving their cars downtown they can just take feeder busway instead.

Gue pengguna feeder busway yg cukup setia. Setia karena I don't know what other public transportation that practical enough for me to fulfill my daily activities. Rumah gue kan suburb tuh..Bintaro is suburb right? trus gw kuliah di Atma yang pastinya terletak di tengah kota, jadinya feeder busway "Trans Bintaro" (transbin)lah angkutan umum favorit gue.

Sebenernya ada other public transportations yg bs digunakan, tapi yg paling nyaman,praktis, dan ekonomis ya Transbin itu. Gue pernah coba itung2, kalo gue naik bis biasa dll. jatohnya kurang lebih sama aja tuh uang yang harus gue keluarin tiap harinya dgn minus kenyamanan dr transbin.What's so good about transbin adalah selain ber AC- whahaha ini penting banget apalagi di jakarta yg kalo lg musim panas, panasnya ga kira2, ada TV layar datarnya -whahaha lagi, kalo ini penting soalnya kadang gue suka kelupaan bawa headset gue, daripada bengong yaaa..nonton tv aja lah,mm... kursinya lumayan besar apalagi kalo gue duduk di kursi untuk 3orang sendirian!woohooo my favorite : D udah gitu bs diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga njeblak ke belakang banget jg boleh asal ga ada orang aja yg duduk di belakang lo atau mau duduk super tegak biar berasa naik mobil F1 juga bisa.It's up to you.

Hal lain yang paling gue suka juga di bis ini selain kenyamanan adlh keamanan,dijamin ga bakal ada yang namanya pengemis atau orang ngamen ato preman di dalem bis.Jadi, lo akan berasa super aman melakukan keg. seperti (I don't exaggerate it in what people are doing inside transbin): mendengarkan lagu dr ipod touch terbaru lo,  BBM an, ngerjain tugas dari laptop/netbook lo whatever, u will feel super safe. Mungkin memang ada harga ada rupa. That's what u get from paying Rp.11rb for the ticket.

Ada juga si hal2 mem-betekan (is that even a word?) dr transbin seperti: kalo ada ujan gede terus banjir di arteri pasti datengnya super telat dah gitu lo mungkin aja smp rumah 3.5 jam kemudian (I've experienced that my friend), terus kalo lagi ga macet mereka dateng super cepet. For example gw mau naik yang jam 2 dari ratu plaza, eh jam 2 kurang 15 dy dah sampe. Dan kalo gw sampe ketinggalan, means I have to wait like another 45 minutes for another bus to come (I've experienced this many times..) Belom lagi kalo people sitting next to u are annoying. Tp gw bakal cerita itu in my another blog ; )

Yaaah..itulah suka duka penumpang feeder atau lbh tepatnya gue?Tp yg pasti gw bersyukur si ada yg namanya feeder especially transbin!! I heart u! that's why proudly I say "This is my ride (sambil menunjuk transbin) that is not being pimped..." hehe.