Sunday, May 13, 2012

me and quotations

I rarely quote people. It's because either I forgot the exact phrase they said or I prefer to use my own quotation. Hence, I actually save some of the quotations that I think worth to ponder. And here are the list:

"Lend your ears to music, open your eyes to painting, and stop thinking! Just ask yourself whether the work has enabled you to 'walk about' into a hitherto unknown world. If the answer is yes, what more do you want?" ~ Kandinsky 1910

"You cannot change people, but you can maybe change the system so that people aren't pushed into doing evil things"~ Slavoj Zizek

"If being adult is becoming cynical or pretentious, then I prefer to say immature"~ Michel Gondry

"In terms of being human being and going to bed at night and living in this world, your behaviour makes a big difference"~ Ewan Mcgregor 

"You cannot change your parents but you can always have new friends, you can't have different life but you can make the one worth living"~Rene Suhardono

"Manusia berbahagia dengan cara yang sama tapi menderita dengan caranya sendiri-sendiri"~Pramoedya Ananta Toer 

"Dalam hidup sengsara seperti itu, kita disuruh berdoa! berdoa itu kan mengemis! darimana saja ajaran itu. Siapa yang menciptakan Tuhan itu? kita hidup kan bukan atas kehendak kita. Kita hidup sengsara masih disuruh berterima kasih. Ini ajaran apa?"~Pramoedya Ananta Toer

"Sebelum saya dilahirkan , Tuhan sudah tahu bahwa hari ini saya tidak sembahyang!"~ Pramoedya Ananta Toer

"Bangsa Indonesia tidak berwatak produktif sebaliknya konsumtif. Korupsi ada karena tidak seimbang antara produksi dan konsumsi"~Pramoedya Ananta Toer

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